Core Java (PRJ101)
Main objectives and goals of the course
Upon the completion of the course, students can have
a) Knowledge: (what will students know?)
- Kiến trúc công nghệ Java
- Java SE (6.0)
- Tương đương với chứng chỉ SCJP, SCJDcủa Sun.
b) Skills: (what will students be able to do?)
- Using Java Language and API.
- Application Architecture Design.
- Create GUI using Java Swing
- Java Distributed Technology (RMI)
- Working with database using JDBC
Course Textbook(s)/ Resources:
a) Main books
- Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide, 5th Edition. Phillip Heller, Simon Roberts. ISBN: 978-0-7821-4419-2. Paperback; 560 pages; May 2005
- JDBC at
b) Reference books or resources
- Introduction to Java Programming,
- Comprehensive, 6E by Y. Daniel Liang
- Sun java certification: SJCP; SJCD:
Implementation plan in details
- Fundamentals-1
- Course Introduction
- Language Fundamentals.
- Operators and Assignments.
- Guide Workshop 1
- Review Workshop
- Fundamentals-2
- Modifiers.
- Converting and Casting.
- Flow Control, Assertions, and Exception Handling
- Guide Workshop 2
- Review Workshop
- Objects and Classes
- Guide Workshop 3
- Review Workshop
- Threads
- Thread Fundamentals
- Controlling Threads
- Guide Workshop 4
- Review Workshop
- Monitors, Waiting, and Notifying
- Guide Workshop 5
- Review Workshop
- The java.lang and java.util Packages
- The Object Class
- The Math Class
- Strings
- The Wrapper Classes
- Guide Workshop 6
- The Collections Framework
- Generic Collections
- Scanning and Formatting Text
- Guide Workshop 7
- Progress Test 1 and Review.
- Review Workshop
- I/O and Streams
- Guide Workshop 8
- Review Workshop
- Assignment Introduction
- Swing components and Layouts
- Swing Components
- Layout Managers.
- Guide Workshop 9
- Review Workshop
- Guide Assignment
- Object Streams and RMI
- Guide Workshop 10
- Review Workshop
- Guide Workshop 11
- JDBC (cont.)
- Guide Workshop 11
- Progress Test 2 and Review.
- Review Workshop
Practical Exam
- Assignment Evalutation
Lab/Assignment/Workshop Submission Guide
Steps: 1) Create a lab folder named: class_login_labX Where: class: Your class (SE0105,6,7,8) login: Your account name. X: is lab number (1,2..) 2) In the lab folder (class_login_....X) create a sub folder for each lab sub-problem named as: Prob_X (X=1,2,3..). Then save all the source files in the sub folder. 3) Zip the lab folder (class_login_....X) with named as then upload to the site