Digital Forensics (FRS301)
Course Implementation Plan
- Module 1: Introduction to digital forensics
- Lab 1: Students collect tools for network forensics : Wireshark, Network Miner, Pcapfix
- Module 2: Basic technical for digital forensic
- Lab 2: Students collect tools for computer forensics: FTK Image, Encase, Volatility.
- Lab 3: Using HexView to view header about JPEG, EXE to understand FILE HEADER.
- Module 3: Building environments for digital forensics
- Lab 4: Prepare tools for lab: FTK, Encase, Volatility Framework, Memdump.
- Lab 5: Buiding an environment for Computer Forensics, FTK install, Using Encase
- Module 4: Collecting evidence
- Lab 6: Students collect tools for cloning computer, Disk Cloning
- Lab 7: Collecting evidence: drives, ram. Gathering Evidence Using the Various Tools of DataLifter
- Lab 8: Using dd for DiskCloning, Gathering Evidence Using the Various Tools of DataLifter
- Module 5: Computer forensics
- Lab 9: FTK capture Registry
- Lab 10: RAM Capture and Analysis
- Module 6: Network forensics
- Lab 11: Building an environment for network forensics.Wireshark, NetworkMiner.
- Lab 12: Building an intrusion detection system. Snort
- Lab 13: Using Snort for Network-Based Forensics
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Lab 0: Setting Up an Initial Lab Environment
- Install
(Optional) - Get the NIST data leakage case DD image
- Exam files in the DD image
- Extract registry files from the DD Image
- Extract prefetched event log files from the DD Image
- Extract security event log files from the DD Image
- Install
, InstallRegRipper 3.0
Lab 1: Introduction to Digital Forensics – Autopsy software
- Windows 10
- Investigate a USB drive (owned by George Montgomery)
- Assume we have the image file: (from book
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, Sixth Edition
) - Software: Autopsy
- Tasks
- Recover Word files, images
- Search key words
Lab 2: Data Carving
- Scenario 1: A file (A) is hidden inside of another file (B). You can’t open the file B because the B’s header is corrupted.
- Senario 2: A suspect deleted files. The files contains an important information. A file occupies a few clusters. Unfortunately, some clusters are reused (overwritten) by new files.
→ A forensic expert really wants to recover files, even a partial files.
- Extracting images from a corrupted Word document
- Carving/Recovering a USB image
Lab 3: USB Image Acquisition
- Download and install FTK
- Plug in a Flash Drive to your computer. You can copy some files to the USB. Verify your PC can read the USB drive.
- Acquiring a USB using FTK
→ What to Do Next?
Lab 4: Disk Image and Partitions
- Disk image:
- Verify the integrity of the disk image
- Identify the OS of the system as well as its name, accounts, and partitions
- John Sammons. The Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics 2nd Edition, Syngress Publing © 2015.
- Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Chris Steuart, Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations Processing Digital Evidence 5th Edition, Cengage Learning © 2016.
- John Sammons, Lars Daniel. Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Teaching the Jury Though Effective Use of Visuals, Elsevier © 2017.