- This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of ethical hacking.
- Students will learn how hackers attack computers and networks, and how to protect Windows and Linux systems.
- Legal restrictions and ethical guidelines will be taught and enforced.
- Students will perform many hands-on labs, both attacking and defending, using port scans, footprinting, buffer overflow exploits, SQL injection, privilege escalation, Trojans, and backdoors.
Learning Outcomes
- Determine what an ethical hacker can and cannot do legally, and evaluate credentials and roles of penetration testers.
- Perform reconnaissance on a target network using a variety of scanning and probing techniques.
- Enumerate and classify Microsoft and Linux Operating Systems vulnerabilities.
- Take control of Web Servers and wireless networks, and protect them.
- Evaluate and select cryptography and hashing methods, and perform attacks against them.
- Select and implement security devices, including routers, firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and honeypots
Assessment structure
- Ongoing assessment (OA):
- 01 Midterm Test (20%)
- 15 Labs (50%)
- Final examination (FE): 30%
- Completion criteria:
- Every on-going assessment component > 0;
- Average Lab Score >= 4;
- Final Exam Score >=4 & Final Result >=5
Course Schedule
- Chapter 1. Ethical Hacking Overview
- 1.1 Introduction to Ethical Hacking
- 1.2 What You Can Do Legally
- 1.3 What You Cannot Do Legally
- Chapter 2. TCP/IP Concepts Review
- 2.1 Overview of TCP/IP
- 2.2 IP Addressing
- 2.3 Overview of Numbering Systems
- Chapter 3. Network and Computer Attacks
- 3.1 Malware (Viruses, Macro Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, Adware)
- 3.2 Protecting Against Malware Attacks
- 3.3 Intruder Attacks on Networks and Computers
- 3.4 Addressing Physical Security
- Chapter 4. Footprinting and Social Engineering
- 4.1 Using Web Tools for Footprinting
- 4.2 Conducting Competitive Intelligence
- 4.3 Using Domain Name System Zone Transfers
- 4.4 Introduction to Social Engineering (Shoulder Surfing, Dumpster Diving, Piggybacking, Phishing)
- Lab-Project 1: HTTP Basic Authentication
- Lab-Project 2: Creating Infectious Media with the Social Engineering Toolkit
- Chapter 5. Port Scanning
- 5.1 Introduction to Port Scanning
- 5.2 Using Port-Scanning Tools
- 5.3 Conducting Ping Sweeps
- 5.4 Understanding Scripting
- Lab-Project 3: Analyzing a Port Scan
- Chapter 6. Enumeration
- 6.1 Introduction to Enumeration
- 6.2 Enumerating Windows Operating Systems
- 6.3 Enumerating the NetWare Operating System
- 6.4 Enumerating the *nix Operating System
- Lab-Project 4: Windows DoS with IPv6 Router Advertisement Packets
- Lab-Project 5: C Programming on Linux (Crashing the hello2 Program With a Long Name–Buffer Overflow)
- Chapter 7. Programming for Security Professionals
- 7.1 Programming Fundamentals
- 7.2 Anatomy of a C Program
- 7.3 Creating a Web Page with HTML
- 7.4 Understanding Perl
- 7.5 Components of Object-Oriented Programming
- Lab-Project 6: TCP Handshake with scapy
- Lab-Project 7: ARP Spoofing with scapy
- Review for Midterm Midterm Test
- Chapter 8. Desktop and Server OS Vulnerabilities
- 8.1 Windows OS Vulnerabilities (Null Sessions, SQL Server, Buffer Overflows, Passwords and Authentication,…)
- 8.4 Tools for Identifying Vulnerabilities in Windows
- 8.5 Best Practices for Hardening Windows Systems
- 8.6 Linux OS Vulnerabilities
- Lab-Project 8: Cracking Linux Password Hashes with Hashcat
- Chapter 9. Embedded Operating Systems: The Hidden Threat
- 9.1 Introduction to Embedded Operating Systems
- 9.2 Windows and Other Embedded Operating Systems
- 9.3 Vulnerabilities of Embedded Oss”
- Chapter 10. Hacking Web Servers
- 10.1 Understanding Web Applications
- 10.2 Understanding Web Application Vulnerabilities
- 10.3 Tools for Web Attackers and Security Testers
- Lab-Project 9: PicoCTF
- Lab-Project 10: Attacking Apache with the OWASP HTTP DoS Tool
- Chapter 11. Hacking Wireless Networks
- 11.1 Understanding Wireless Technology
- 11.2 Understanding Wireless Technology (802.11, additional IEEE 802.11 Projects)
- 11.3 Understanding Authentication
- 11.4 Understanding Wardriving
- 11.5 Understanding Wireless Hacking
- Lab-Project 11: yesman–Scanner Honeypot with scapy
- Lab-Project 12: Cracking Windows Passwords with Cain and Abel
- Chapter 12. Cryptography
- 12.1 Understanding Cryptography Basics
- 12.2 Understanding Symmetric and Asymmetric Algorithms
- 12.3 Components of PKI
- 12.4 Understanding Cryptography Attacks
- Chapter 13 Network. Protection Systems
- 13.1 Understanding Routers
- 13.2 Understanding Firewalls
- 13.3 Understanding Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
- 13.3 Understanding Honeypots”
- Lab-Project 13: Exploiting SQL with Havij and Input Filtering
- Lab-Project 14: Hijacking HTTPS Sessions with SSLstrip
- Lab-Project 15: WPA/WPA2 Decryption
- Course Review
- Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, James Corley, Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, 2nd ed., Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2013.
- Sean-Philip Oriyano, Michael Gregg, Hacker Techniques, Tools, and Incident Handling, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2nd Edition, 2013.
- Sean-Philip Oriyano, CEHv9, Certified Ethical Hacker version 9, Study Guide, Sybex, 2016.
- Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz, Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012.